The most important step in wrapping a foil cone is the first layer. The first layer is with the ADHESIVE FACING OUTSIDE upset. This is the only way to finally detach the finished cone from the winding aid without damaging it. In this step, it's really quick. The first layer of foil determines how precisely the foil cone can be manufactured. The first layer should be applied as tightly as possible and without creasing. Creases are to be avoided throughout production. Crumpled foil cones do not fly very accurately and make their flight behavior unpredictable.
For an optimal first film layer, the film is placed diagonally on the cone and twisted in such a way that the film encloses the wrapping aid firmly and evenly. This may not work directly the first few times. Failed attempts should be taken into account and should not lead to discouragement. It also happens to me from time to time that the first layer does not sit properly on the wrapping aid. In this case, do not continue! It will not get better. Try again with a new slide instead.
After the first layer has been placed around the wrapping aid, the result should be checked again. On the one hand, as already mentioned, it should be checked whether the foil is sitting tightly on the wrapping aid. On the other hand, it should be looked at, does the cone have a point? For the subsequent hold it is important that the cone has a point. i.e. the foil is closed at the top. If this is not the case with the first layer, you can improve it with the other layers. However, it is optimal if the peak is generated from the beginning.
When the first layer is finished, the second layer is ADHESIVE FACING INSIDE glued. Again, make sure that the cone still has a point. In addition, the second layer should sit on top of the first layer without blisters or creases. It is optimal if the second layer has been glued on in such a way that it sticks the first layer to the wrapping aid. This ensures that the film cone does not fall off the wrapping aid or slip during the other work steps. In addition, a film cone fixed in this way can be separated more easily from the wrapping aid with the cutter.
All further layers are glued on in the same way as the second layer with the adhesive side down.